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Thank you for your Support | Steps for Life  

This past weekend, our Calgary team proudly joined the local Steps for Life walk, standing in solidarity with families impacted by life-altering workplace injuries, illnesses, and losses.  

Excitingly, we didn’t just meet but exceeded our fundraising goal raising an impressive $3005 for the Steps for Life cause! Collectively $925,295 was raised by Threads of Life across Canada this year with the Calgary walk alone raising $30,000.  

Thank you to all who participated in the walk and those who generously donated to the Steps for Life initiative. 

 With Threads of Life currently offering vital support to over 3,600 family members across Canada through their family support programs and services, every contribution matters. Steps for Life events not only fund crucial programs but also serve as platforms to educate communities about the profound and far-reaching impacts of workplace tragedies.